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15.08 – Half marathon Sonthofen

After the race is before the race, is after the race, etc. pp. I recovered surprisingly quickly from the long distance in Zurich and genial, without greater fatigue, muscular and general health dropouts. Only 10 days after the race I started training again reasonably "normal", my

17.07. – Bavaria Run Munich

Yet exactly 7 days to the Ironman Zurich, my first and as irrevocable statement also my last long distance race; the reasons well known. Therefore, as passionate athlete, I enjoyed the last weeks of training after the race in Heilbronn to the utmost. The scope was

05.06 – Bootcamp Maribor ..

... At the 37th World Sports Games of Medicine and Health ( "Medigames") from 26.05-03.06.2016. Finally, some good news from my side again :-) Quasi the Olympics for all medical professions, with many sports, with interesting symposia and people around the world. Sport connects! Yep, correctly recognized,

13.03 – Halfmrathon Ottobeuren

Exactly four weeks before the first highlight of the season (in Marathon Obermain) and about 4 months before the first Triathlon long distance (Ironman Zurich), another half-marathon was this weekend on the agenda. Coincidentally, my running partner Pietro Liguori from the LG Stadtwerke München also