11.11. – 2016
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11.11. – 2016

A new era begins ….

The season 2016 was knocking at my door and I did let her in 🙂 It’s going to be fun – for sure. As promised, today a preview on my goals for the next 10 months, but still a look back at a season“breaks” of a special nature:

The supposedly most “harmless” message in recent weeks was the diagnosis of a torn muscle in the knee, with which I – by the way – had already when running the marathon. My initial dissatisfaction with the finishing time of 3.14,52h got relativized J  “Anja – The Stupid – Machine …”

Thereafter I had to undergo another, planed kidney surgery on October 07th.  The Micro version of the happenings: At one hand good, as a punction from outside was not necessary, but on the other side, sub-optimal because the stone material couldn’t be removed finally and had to be prepared for that first. Post-OP Part I, I suffered from the usual troubles caused by the “Double-J catheter”, a bacterial infection, a little cold and problems with the long-term medication. Body and mind had again quite a lot to do! After an awesome relaxing and energy fueling short break at the Bavarian Forest with my parnter and with fantastic weather, the second surgery took place on Monday November 2nd. This time to the complete satisfaction of the surgeon; in this context, big thanks to Dr. Straub, Senior Physician at the Klinikum Rechts der Isar, who dedicates me and my illness (more on that later) a lot of time, attention and urgency! Postoperatively – Part II I had a small thrombosis, which was treated for 14 days with blood thinners. That all sounds retrospective  very creepy, but what doesn’t kills you, makes you stronger!


The cure of all construction sites is progressing well and I was able to successfully start training. But for what actually ?

The highlights of the coming year:

  1. Ironman Zurich
    presumably some “???” in some eyes?! Was it not my beloved “Nice”, with the ascent to the Col d’Ecre where I wanted to make my debut on the long distance? Yes, that was the plan; but plans have to be scrutinized and rethought sometimes critically, if the basis has changed 🙂  So we will while now from May 26th to June 4th in Maribor / SLO (26.5-4.6) where the Medigames will take place which I am going to use as training camp and participating the occasional contest out of competition.

    So now, the first major milestone will be reached about 7 weeks later, on 24.7.2016 in Zurich. I gave myself long time to approach the first race over 226k (3.8km swim, 180km cycling, 42.2km run) to build up the appropriate muscular and conditional basis for such a burden. After four years of triathlon, thereof 3 years middle distance, I am mentally and physically ready for it! But why now Zurich? Quite simply, the bike course is almost not as less easy as Nice (PICTURE!), honest and hard-earned. Though, I am not a fan of “2-rounds” courses, but this runs through my former place of residence (Kilchberg), which is the second reason for the choice: a perceived “home race” (pro memoria May 2009- December 2010 employment at Allianz Switzerland). I am looking forward to returning as much as the mountains on the Coute d’Azur and I got also informed, that the fan base will increase due to the more local distance to home 🙂


  2. 70.3 World Championship in Australia
    The second major highlight is the again participation at the Middle-Distance World Championships (1.9/90/21.1km) which will be held next year in Molooba, Queensland and which takes place 3 months later on September 4th, 2016. I qualified at this year’s European Championship in Wiesbaden as 3rd in my age group (35-39). The “trip” to Australia is then connected to the first real vacation for years. The ideas is, to drive in steps after the race along the coast to Sydney and to chill for a few days with my friend Catherine bevor flying home.

Keyword Age Group: Next year I’m listed first time in AG40 (born 1976). That makes the whole thing certainly not easier; the “girls” are still very strong, but one has presumably as the youngest better cards. Having said this, I was at the end of AG35 and was able to cope well within and overall 🙂 We will see ….

… Well also, as mentioned, how I am coping with the long-term medication and dietary changes as a result of not yet final specified metabolic disease (“renal tubular acidosis”). I think I can do it, but for sure, I am not going to put my health (strain on kidneys) intentionally in danger. We are no longer talking here now of a banal flu or a hamstring, but the whole thing is, as I said, deal-able if one hold conscientiously and regularly to the specifications; trivial comparable to Diabetes, which can also be fatal if you don’t do anything against it!

Last but not least an appeal to all: As I learned in the past few weeks (painful), there is only one thing that is really important in life: health. That was also one reason why I typified myself for a potential bone marrow donation at the DKMS.  Sometime, somehow, somewhere in the world there will be a person, whom I can help! The effort of registration does not bear any relation. Do it, no reason to wait!

Team Erdinger / Verein?

Off for training now, speak soon, yours Anja

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