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05.06 – Bootcamp Maribor ..

... At the 37th World Sports Games of Medicine and Health ( "Medigames") from 26.05-03.06.2016. Finally, some good news from my side again :-) Quasi the Olympics for all medical professions, with many sports, with interesting symposia and people around the world. Sport connects! Yep, correctly recognized,

23.5 – SOON … :)

..  time again. After my long illness I was able to start with the training 2 weeks ago. Still, of course, very tough, but get the feeling that I am coming slowly back to shape. The body forgets supposedly nothing, so that I am hopefully

13.03 – Halfmrathon Ottobeuren

Exactly four weeks before the first highlight of the season (in Marathon Obermain) and about 4 months before the first Triathlon long distance (Ironman Zurich), another half-marathon was this weekend on the agenda. Coincidentally, my running partner Pietro Liguori from the LG Stadtwerke München also

02.02 – Still scarce six months …

…. Until the absolute highlight of the season, the Ironman Zurich over 3.8km swim, 180km cycling and 42,2km running. It’s been quiet, so far no winter competitions, which was probably mainly because my body fought physically and I mentally still the side-effects of the operations from

10.12 – Team Erdinger Alkoholfrei

The 2015 comes to an end, time to wish you all a Merry Christmas and exciting 12 months ahead. Hopefully, healthy, happy, successful and injury-free. I started already about a month ago with full motivation in the new season in 2016; these days I received then

05.10. Season-final Marathon

Sparkasse 3 Länder Marathon at Bodensee Running is my passion and hence a marathon as the season finale is just the best thing to do. Of course, not without a goal. Based on the last result (Frankfurt 2013 - 3:14h) and my performance improvement in these

05.10 The year in turn

A phenomenal year 2015 comes- from an athletic point of view - to an end. Here my private & open review :-) January / February: Great way to start the year It started fine with a training camp at T3 Tenerife. I went in good shape, the