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My supporters…

.. for today’s dream: the first world championships! The race starts in about 12h and it is on time to give a big applause to all my supporters and partners. Each of them has been part of the journey so far and I hope to have it

Thoughts, Wishes & Goals for the 70.3WC

I still cannot believe it! In approx. 48h I'm on the plane to Montreal and slowly my long awaited dream will come true: Participation in the Ironman 70.3 World Championships (Mont Tremblant/Quebec/ Canada). Exactly one year ago began the preparation for THE race for which I

Just 4 weeks to go…

.. to the Ironman 70.3 WC in Mont Tremblant (canada). The past three weeks since my series of races have passed rather quickly. One of the reasons was probably my heavy engagement in the organization of a Film festival for which we reduced my training

3. Preparatory weekend in a row

Past weekend I threw myself into the third and final series of preparation races. On Saturday I started at the Trumer Triathlon over the Short (Olympic) Distance (1.5 km swim, 37.5 km bike run with 675HM and 10.5 mi - 60HM), where also the Austrian National

1. Place Triathlon Königsbrunn (Sprint)

This weekend, I had prep-race 2/4 on the program. After last week’s success I wanted to accelerate at the Triathlon Königsbrunn over the sprint distance (0,5/18/5.5). The race went solid from the beginning. As third woman out of the water (with about 3’ gap), I was

2nd Place Non-Stop Triathlon Bamberg

Only 9 weeks from now, the Ironman 70.3 World Championships are taking place in Mont Tremblant and the final stage of preparation has begun. After the 70.3 in Rapperswill I enjoyed a two -week season break, followed by a 12-day training-camp in the Provence. Just returned

Grasp opportunities as they arise!

You think you have a lazy Saturday in front of you, preparing for a race and then suddenly a message on your Facebook messenger pops-up: “We have a swim-relay (3,8km) entry for Challenge Roth as somebody stepped out. Do you fancy?” Well, one just cannot

“Better safe than sorry” …

 .. was or is pretty much always like that and especially when performing competitive sports at age group level. That's why I recently went to the annual performance check at the TU Munich and just now to a full-dermatology-body screening. The former brought – still

(Spooky blown) Final Bike tour

My trainingscamp, or rather a mixture of train and work and less vacation, is coming to an end. Today is the last day with little speed work ("fartlek") and a short 2h bike ride. I had my official “final tour” already yesterday, for which I